Inquiry office in Italy – 100
Emergency service (Carabinieri) - 112
Police (Polizia) - 113
Ambulance (Pronto soccorso) – 118 (Medical services for foreigners are provided on paid basis. Pharmacies also provide the information about the places where you can get medical help.)
Fire prevention (Vigili del fuoco) - 115
Emergency repair service for cars - 116
Public phones provide international call services. You can call outside Italy also from a hotel room but it is going to be twice expensive. Tariffs differ depending on the time of the call, day or distance. The cheapest calls are from 22:00 to 6:00.
To make a call from a public phone one should use coins, tokens or cards which are sold in kiosks («Edicola» or «Tabacci») or bars. Telecom Italia is the most popular operator. You can choose any company you like but it is important to remember that public phones of a certain company serves clients only with their own cards.
The calls around the city are paid. The highest tariffs are set for local calls on weekdays from 8:00 to 18:30 and on Saturday from 8:00 to 13:00. The calls are cheaper in the rest of the time and on week-ends and holidays. To make a call to another Italian city dial “0” before the code.
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